Physiology Of Child Development

Physiology Of Child Development

Children constitute a sizable portion of the population. They are around 25% of the population. They are future citizens. We can divide them into three groups.

1. Less than five years
2. 5 to 12 years
3. 12 to 18 years

They can do a lot of productive activities in the house .it will help in the development of FAMILY, SOCIETY, NATION, and WORLD.

1. Less than five years

Usually, most of the time is spent inside the house with parents/grandparents/ maid. This is the time brain development occurs. This is the time when interneuron junctions are developing. About 95% of the brain develops by this time. They should be allowed to develop. Encourage them for reading picture books. Read them every day good stories. Do not encourage them for screen time. Do not place them in front of T.V./phone. Play with them in the park/ground. Teach them outdoor games. Cycling is also a good activity. Let him/her play with other children, it will help them to develop the brain. Building blocks are also a good activity.

2. 5- 12 years

This is the most important part of life because it will reflect in personality. This is the time they start going to school. They should be allowed to participate in outdoor games. Obesity starts in this age group only. Do not give them carbonated drinks/chocolates/junk foods. Encourage
Them to eat fresh fruits, vegetables. Screen time to cut for one hour after finishing studies and homework. Sit withes at least one hour both parents. Do not keep alcohol in the house,
Do not drink or smoke in front of them. Never use foul language in front of them. Children copy the parents.

3. 12 to 18 years

This is the most important part of the development of the child, his most of the brain development is complete. Now the environment is most important. He should be handled carefully. Treat him/her as a friend listen to him carefully. This is the time when substance abuse starts. Just keep your eyes open but do not ask leading questions. Addiction is not a sin treat it like a disease properly. They should be treated by rehab centers because it is a complex process. Prevention is better. Teach him the bad effects of substance abuse. He should be encouraged for productive activities like writing/sports of interest/ Oration /Acting/Fashion design/Singing/ Adventure sports.

  • Child Health, Child Activities ,Child Growth