

Are you trying to conceive for more than an year continuously and still not got pregnant, or having problems during sex? You should seek medical advice without any delay. At our clinic, a high percentage of couples are likely to succeed in their attempts to achieve pregnancy within one year of trying.The chances of conception are high during their earlier months of physical companionship. A small percentage of couples conceive in the second year of trying.


The likelihood of succeeding in pregnancy varies as per your health conditions

It is natural for couples to have a strong desire to conceive a child but the time they may choose for this event varies because of the unique situations and circumstances they have to deal with. It is important to understand what constitutes normal fertility & also to know whether they suffer from infertility. Professional help from an infertility specialist is required

Infertility can be due to variety of causes, and the treatment may differ. Infertility is quite stressful in itself and when you do not know the reason for this condition it further increases your confusion.

“For initial evaluation, understanding the cause and its treatment – Dr Rashmi Vyas is the best person.”

What is infertility?

Here are the treatments available at our clinic

For Females:

The treatment of female infertility mainly depends on the cause of infertility.

  • Ovarian cyst Removal
  • In some cases, treatment is possible only through fertility medicines, while in some surgery and other techniques are also required to be used.
  • Fertility drugs and hormones can help restore the levels of hormones and assist in regular ovulation
  • Blockage in the fallopian tubes can be corrected by surgery.

For Males:

  • Treatment of male infertility is done by several methods like surgery, hormone treatment, treatment of infection, treatment of sexual problems.
  • If the diagnosis is a blockage in the tubes that carry sperm or if there is a widening of the veins in the scrotum, then surgery can rectify the problem.
  • If there are any infections in the reproductive organs, they can be treated using antibiotics.
  • To deal with problems such as improper erection or ejaculation, medication and counselling is recommended.
  • Hormone treatments can set right the problems of low or high level of specific types of hormones.

Other Options:

  • Infertility in men and women can also be treated with ART or Assisted Reproductive Technology, such as IUI or Intrauterine Insemination and IVF or In Vitro Fertilization.
How we get diagnosed at your clinic?

The diagnosis of infertility begins with a detailed analysis of the couple’s medical history and their physical examination by a qualified OBGYN in City Plaza.

Medical History:

To know the medical history of a couple with an infertility problem, they are interviewed together as well as separately. This can help the medical experts to access their comprehensive medical history, which includes menstrual and obstetric history, and any record of past instances of infertility in the families of both the individuals.

Clinical examination:

Detailed and comprehensive clinical examinations of both the partners are required for detecting any underlying physical issues and to make a provisional diagnosis.

For the Female Partner

  • Examination of the ovarian function
  • Hormonal analysis
  • Trans-vaginal ultrasonography for ovulation details and to detect any abnormality in the uterus and adjoining anatomical areas
  • Tubal patency test if required
  • Laparoscopy to check the abdominal and pelvic organs
  • Hysteroscopy to check for lesions in the intrauterine space
  • Tests for suspected genetic disorders

For the Male Partner

  • Serum analysis
  • Hormonal analysis
  • Testicular biopsy to check for obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia if required.
Can infertility affect them both Men & Women?

Yes, infertility canaffect both men & women, with men contributing up to 20-25% of cases.

So what are the symptoms of women infertility?

The key symptom of infertility is obviously the inability to conceive and get pregnant. However, there are signs that indicate the potential inability of an individual to get pregnant.

In women, the signs that reveal a potential fertility problems are:

  • Changes in bleeding pattern during menstruation
  • Sudden and abrupt stoppage of monthly periods
  • Periods accompanied with severe back pain, pelvic pain, and cramping
  • Changes in the appearance of skin, such as a severe breakout of acne or pimples
  • Thinning hair
  • Weight gain
  • Variation in the number of days between each period with every passing month
  • Changes in desire for sex
What are the symptoms of men infertility?

In men, the symptoms of infertility can be vague and may often go unnoticed until the couple tries to have a baby. The signs to look out for are:

  • Erection and ejaculation issues
  • Varying levels of sexual desire
  • Changes in hair growth pattern
  • Small-sized testicles and pain and lump formation in the testes
What causes infertility in women?
  • Uterine Problems: Abnormalities in the uterus or cervix, such as polyps, uterine fibroids, and genetic abnormalities in the opening of the cervix that may hamper the normal implantation of the fertilized egg.
  • Ovulation Disorder: Disordersthat affect the release of eggsSpecifically Hormonal disturbances
  • PCOS: It refers to the condition in which ovaries form numerous follicles, each containing immature eggs. In this situation, the eggs do not mature and remain unreleased.
  • Extreme exercising, injury or tumors, and excessive appetite can also cause infertility in some women.
  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes can result in blockage of the pathway, thus hampering the fertilization process.
  • Endometriosis, in which the endometrial tissue grows outside of the uterus, may result in improper functioning of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes.

Radiation and chemotherapy used for the treatment of cancer of the female reproductive organs can affect fertility and so can other medical conditions such as diabetes, lupus, and genetic abnormalities.

What causes infertility in men?
  • Abnormal sperm production due to genetic or medical issues affecting the testes.
  • Infection: Some infections cause scars in the reproductive system.
  • Lifestyle issues: Extreme exposure to external causative factors, such as chemicals and pesticides, smoking or consumption of tobacco, marijuana and certain medications, like specific types of antibiotics, anti-hypertensive drugs, and anabolic steroids, can affect sperm quantity & quality.
  • Health issues, like diabetes, or infections, (such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, mumps, or HIV), can also impede fertility.
  • Premature ejaculation can affect normal sperm delivery, resulting in infertility.
  • Some type of genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis, blockage in the testicles, and damage or injury to the reproductive organs can also result in infertility in men.
  • Sperm production is known to be affected by exposure of the body to heat on a consistent basis.

As in the case of women, any cancer-specific treatment, including radiation or chemotherapy, may impair sperm production, according to the leading infertility specialist in Noida.